Molecular Biology

Digital PCR
The QIACuity Four digital PCR system allows for absolute quantitation of genetic material without the reliance on standard curves. It is ideal for gene expression analysis, microbial enumeration, detection, and multiplexed assays. Multiplexed reactions with up to 5 targets/fluorophores can be run with little to no optimization required. Users who have tried multiplexing with real-time PCR will appreciate the ease at which you can readily set up and run 5 color experiments. Minimal adjustments to existing PCR reactions are needed, requiring only specialized PCR plates and master mix. Competitive price per reaction makes it a cost-effective alternative to real-time PCR.

Real-time PCR
The Biotech Innovation Core is home to both a BioRad CFX-96 and CFX-384, for 96- or 384-well plate real-time PCR reactions. This real-time PCR detection system offers sensitive and reliable detection for single or multiplex reactions. You can easily set up runs and monitor amplification traces in real time on the integrated touch screen, or use the CFX software for experiment design and results analysis.